Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Kurds

For centuries they have lived with oppression and their culture under a prolonged attack
Those Kurdish people who live on either side of the border in the high country in Turkey and Iraq
A proud people their spirit can't be broken for them life's always been an uphill fight
But they will reach the end of their dark tunnel and they will walk again in the sunlight.

Stateless people they fight for their existence and by them persecution is well known
And it's by their enemies that they are governed and they don't have a government of their own
All people should be entitled to a homeland but to the Kurds these words do not apply
Treated as outsiders in the Country they were born in and fringe dwellers until the day they die.

One can't help but admire these noble mountain people and one day they too will have their own State
For too long now the victims of oppression but everything does come to those who wait
Human relationships are such a strange thing and today's enemy can be tomorrow's mate
And the State of Kurdistan will yet be born and the proud Kurds it's birth will celebrate.

They are the people who don't have a homeland and they have been the victims of abuse
For unjust laws and human rights violations one never should put forward an excuse
They live on either side of the Turkish and Iraqi border and they have only known abuse and scorn
And they are fighting for their rights and justice and to have their own homeland in the land where they were born.

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