Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In Our Eyes

It would not take an Einstein for to tell you that the mirror to a person's soul is in their eyes
Unless of course you are wearing dark sunglasses the not so good in you not easy to disguise
Our gift of seeing things tells us more about us far more than anyone might realize
And sad to think as some of us grow older that from the years we have not grown more wise.

In our eyes one can see love and kindness or lack of honesty or self conceit
And in our eyes one can see our strengths and weaknesses, the generosity or the deceit,
Suppose we all possess the human frailties though some have more than others one might say
The person who may look physically weak may have the most amazing mental powers Nature's equalizer life's that way,

To our souls the mirror our eyes some with that may not agree
But you show some people a tulip and a weed they only see
Their unhappy eyes will tell you that their souls not receiving light
You show to them a thing of beauty and they only see an ugly sight.

The mirror to our souls are our eyes that's how 'twould appear to me
But then again we all are different and we look at things quite differently
When I see people wearing dark sunglasses on a cloudy and sunless day
I can only assume that they are hiding their inner secrets the secrets their eyes would betray.

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