Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Booze Sick Reveller

The joyous new year revellers were making lots of noise
And at midnight they sang and cheered and fireworks lit the skies
But one teenager with heaving guts perhaps from too much beer
Was spewing on the side walk at the birth of a new year.

Too drunk for to be merry and too sick to enjoy
The new year celebrations and to bid the old goodbye
Perhaps she spent her new year hung over feeling fuzzy in the head
With very little energy recovering in her bed.

Her body had rejected some of the poison she had taken in
And she could have chose a better way for her new year to begin
A young woman in her late teens and at the age of choice
And for over indulgence one might say there is a price.

The biggest party of any year for all to celebrate
And even strangers greeted me with a happy new year mate
And lots of new year revellry and happiness and joy
And smiles and mirth and laughter were in plentiful supply.

But I saw one young woman quite oblivious to it all
Bent over on the side walk by a brick garden wall
With her heaving guts expelling some of the poison she had taken in
She might have chosen a more pleasant way for her new year to begin.

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