Friday, December 2, 2011

The Book Of Life

The book of life the only book worth knowing
And a lesson to be learnt from it each day
Though the literary critics may well tell you different
Ignore what the so called well informed say.

The book of life the book of Mother Nature
And it has been around since life began
Thousands of years before the first Dinosaurs
And millions of years before the birth of Man.

The book of life loved by the poets and painters
Who feel inspired by the beauty they have seen
The Autumn browns, the snow capped hills of Winter
And Spring and Summer and their flowers and green.

The book of life has the most life like pictures
The wild birds singing on the leafy trees
And the butterflies above the sunlit pasture
Frail things of beauty dancing in the breeze.

In Spring the wild flowers blooming by the river
And plain brown skylark carolling in the sky
And dark winged swallows birds who don't know borders
You hear them chirp and twitter as they fly.

The book of life embraces the four seasons
In Winter the deciduous trees are bare
And in Spring in wood and grove the birds nest building
And the scent of blossoms and wild flowers in the air.

And in Summer the silver gulls in their thousands
Are squawking o'er the brown cliffs by the sea
From predators they must protect their nestlings
As they patrol their breeding territory.

In late Autumn the woods have changed their color
And the russet leaves in the cool breezes fall
Down to the Earth at the end of their cycle
Into the lap of Mother Nature who receives us all.

From the book of life the book of Mother Nature
You learn something of value every day
It has inspired the poets and the painters
And for such great knowledge you don't have to pay.

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