Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Song Of The Brush Wattlebird

I hear him early in the morning sometimes even before daybreak
Before dawn's light shines in the window he tells his neighbours I'm awake
On the banksias and the wattles seems more like a call than a song
Sounds like that he has laryngitis or with his vocal chords something wrong.

He's never been famed as a songster like skylark he upwards doesn't fly
To welcome the dawn in the morning and carol and sing in the sky
With butcherbird, blackbird or magpie as a songster he cannot compete
But he doesn't seem less energetic and dawn he seems happy to greet.

The brush wattlebird seems a plain bird with feathers mostly brown to gray
But they can look very attractive when seen in the bright light of day
Their chestnut underwings look pretty you see it whilst they are in flight
What's dull at first glance can quite often seem much prettier at second sight.

His cousin the red wattlebird is far bigger though his voice sounds even more hoarse
But they've been created by Nature to sound far more grating and coarse
Than all of the other wild songsters who sing on every bush and tree
Though many will tell you that birds sing only to mark their territory.

The voice of the brush wattlebird once heard is something one could never mistake
I often hear them in the morning they call even before daybreak
They are not renowned for their beauty and they are not renowned for their song
But they too are children of Nature and in Nature's garden belong.

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