Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It Is Then Your Friends You Know

The one who does come to your aid in your time of most need
Though him or her you may not even know is a true friend indeed
One prepared to help you out of a financial hole or in some other way
A friend in need is a friend indeed as some are known to say
The one prepared to help you out when you are really down
When you are shunned by so called friends as an outcast of the town
Whether you know him or her well or not at all great gratitude to your friend you owe
'Tis when you are in need of help that your true friend you know
I only say what's been often said before not anything that's new
When you were doing financially well your friends not in the few
But when you needed them the most you they choose to forsake
Such people don't know how to give only know how to take
When you are in financial strife and in spirit feeling low
At such a tough time in your life 'tis then your friend you know.

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