Monday, July 11, 2011

You Who Lit The Bush Fires

You who lit the Dandenong Ranges bush fires ought to hang your head in shame
You have murdered three innocent people and fed many homes to flame
And you've left many people homeless for your crimes I hope you pay
If the law doesn't catch up with you 'Karma' will find you one day.

Excuses have been offered for you I've already heard it said
That you must have mental problems you are not right in the head
You have burnt large tracts of country and left many 'in the red'
And though the living will recover you cannot bring back the dead.

You have left a trail of heartbreak people dead and homes destroyed
And the news of your destruction it has traveled far and wide
But do not think you won't be punished nor in your evil don't take pride
For if the law can't bring you to book from Karma you cannot hide.

You have burnt large tracts of country left the mountains looking black
But Nature is her own best healer and the green it will grow back
And those whose homes you've left in ashes can start and re-build anew
But you can't bring back the people who have died because of you.

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