I love a quiet place of natural beauty full of wild flowers and blossoming shrubs and trees
Surrounded by the pleasant sounds of Nature The dronings of the nectar gathering bees
A balmy day in late spring the sun is shining and leaves are rustling in the freshening breeze
And nature's garden never looking greener and birds are carolling in their territories.
More than half of a mile off of the nearest roadway in a place that's free of man created noise
Though such places are now becoming rarer as sadly I have come to realize
Yet there are places still where wild life is abundant and of such places I have known a few
My favourite spot a small wood that skirts a paddock of gum and wattles where a creek flows through.
The shrike thrush there I often hear him singing I see him in his cloak of brown and gray
And wallabies who spend their day in cover as I walk by through the scrub bound away
It's nice to be alone with Mother Nature in place where work of man cannot be seen
Where in spring nature wears her favourite colours and she looks stunning in her cloak of green.
I love a quiet place where birds are singing where nature with man doesn't have to compete
Where one doesn't hear the traffic of the roadway and far from the busy bustle of the street
The hum of wild honey bees out gathering nectar at a time of year when young birds take to wing
At any time of year I love such places though nature at her loveliest in the spring
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