Thursday, December 1, 2011


From her life experience the lessons she retain
And there is so much to like about Lorraine
She is good and caring, kind hearted and wise
And you see the wisdom in her soulful eyes.

She's had her shares of ups and downs in life
And she's learnt from her experiences of a mother and a wife
And no substitute for experience so they say
And in life we learn a lesson every day.

And though she has never had an easy life Lorraine
She is one you will never hear complain,
She has in her the gift of happiness
And out of her life she has made a great success.

A spiritual type of person one of the enlightened who
To a higher set of principles is true
And her stature as a person grow and grow
And she is one I feel privileged to know.

From talking to her insight you will gain
And you won't find any better than Lorraine
For in her that woman has so much good
And she would only help you if she could.

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