Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tell Me Why

Tell me why should i envy him if he's a billionaire
If he came by his wealth in the honest way his type of person rare
For to become a billionaire in the honest way is not an idle boast
And i will say how great he is and to him drink a toast.

Tell me why should i envy him since he lives honestly
Though he's ten times a billionaire and i live in poverty
Since he has never harmed anyone i wish him happiness
And why should i begrudge the man I'll drink to his success.

Tell me why should i envy him his money is his own
He worked his way up to the top he once was not well known
'Tis said he never steals from anyone and to none a cent he owe
And i can only wish him well though him i do not know.

Tell me why should i envy him when he's honest in every way
And always for a fair day's work he gives a fair day's pay
A role model for many and so many he inspire
And nothing to envy in him and so much to admire.

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