Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Long Time Ago

I thought it was love but it wasn't and when she dumped me love's ache I did know
But from my sense of loss I recovered though my ego had received a blow,
Her parents did not think much of me my station in life seemed too low
Perhaps it was all for the better and that was a long time ago.

I then fell in love with another dark haired she stood six feet tall
Just like a pony and a race horse beside her I did seem quite small,
She gave me the flick after two months my heart ached for her I recall
But in retrospect she wasn't good looking no she didn't look pretty at all.

I loved every woman I dated though none of them seemed to love me
And I was often disappointed though that's the way life seems to be
I tried to woo them with my verses and my doggerel seemed to work for awhile
And though of me they quickly did weary about it all now I can smile.

Where are all those women I fancied are they now half knackered like me
Did some of them marry wealthy blokes or live closer to poverty
Perhaps some of them have grand children and now live with husband number three,
The most of them liked blokes with money and I struggled financially?

In my love life I've been disappointed and love ache I had come to know
But that was back in my mid twenties and that was a long time ago
And now when I meet one who's been jilted I tell him go have a few beers
Forget her there's plenty more out there on her do not waste any tears.

We grow wiser from life's experiences though to learn I did seem quite slow
In love as in life there are pitfalls and you must take the high with the low
From love ache I've always recovered though disappointment I did know
But that was back in my mid twenties and that was a long time ago.

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